Episode 7 - Burning Man
Language - English | Cast - Mikkel Aaland, Zack Robertson, Teresa Yung | Producers - Cassandra Jabola, Gina Leibrecht, Teresa Yung | Director - Doug Pray
The Playa is a harsh landscape, with high temperatures that make sweat bathing seem unthinkable. But Mikkel and his guides, Teresa Yung and Zack Robertson, explore the growing community of sweat bathing lovers who make the annual trek to Burning Man. They road trip from Mikkel’s hometown of San Francisco, and establish their home base camp at Steam of Life. From there, they visit over 15 camps that include the Sauna Dome, Steam Bath Project, Art of Steam, and more. From learning the “John Payne method,” to attending a class that teaches Wim Hof breathing methods and combines steam and ice-cold showers, to relaxing in a banya made in the shape of an amethyst geode, Mikkel and his guides leave no sweat behind. There is an explosion of steam bathing on the Playa that combines the best of human imagination, invention, and art – and is the perfect, quirky culmination of the inaugural Perfect Sweat season.

Burning Man Location Stills
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